full transcript

From the Ted Talk by TED-Ed: The world's biggest battery looks nothing like a battery

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Unfortunately, neither of the giant birtteaes we’ve talked about so far can solve this problem. The two leaks seutp rqreueis specific geography, takes up a lot of land, and has high upfront costs to build. The gaint lithium-ion battery in California, meanwhile, can power about 250,000 homes, yes, but only for an hour. Lithium-ion batteries are great for things that don’t use a lot of power. But to store a lot of energy, they have to be huge and hevay. That’s why electric pelnas aren’t a thing: the best electric plane can only carry two people for about 1,000 kilometers on one charge, or its batteries would be too heavy to fly. A typical commercial jet can carry 300 people over 14,000 km before refueling. Lithium-ion batteries also require certain heavy maetls to make. These rroseeucs are limited, and mining them often causes environmental damage.

Open Cloze

Unfortunately, neither of the giant _________ we’ve talked about so far can solve this problem. The two _____ _____ ________ specific geography, takes up a lot of land, and has high upfront costs to build. The _____ lithium-ion battery in California, meanwhile, can power about 250,000 homes, yes, but only for an hour. Lithium-ion batteries are great for things that don’t use a lot of power. But to store a lot of energy, they have to be huge and _____. That’s why electric ______ aren’t a thing: the best electric plane can only carry two people for about 1,000 kilometers on one charge, or its batteries would be too heavy to fly. A typical commercial jet can carry 300 people over 14,000 km before refueling. Lithium-ion batteries also require certain heavy ______ to make. These _________ are limited, and mining them often causes environmental damage.


  1. heavy
  2. metals
  3. batteries
  4. lakes
  5. requires
  6. setup
  7. planes
  8. resources
  9. giant

Original Text

Unfortunately, neither of the giant batteries we’ve talked about so far can solve this problem. The two lakes setup requires specific geography, takes up a lot of land, and has high upfront costs to build. The giant lithium-ion battery in California, meanwhile, can power about 250,000 homes, yes, but only for an hour. Lithium-ion batteries are great for things that don’t use a lot of power. But to store a lot of energy, they have to be huge and heavy. That’s why electric planes aren’t a thing: the best electric plane can only carry two people for about 1,000 kilometers on one charge, or its batteries would be too heavy to fly. A typical commercial jet can carry 300 people over 14,000 km before refueling. Lithium-ion batteries also require certain heavy metals to make. These resources are limited, and mining them often causes environmental damage.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
high demand 2
giant batteries 2
heavy metals 2

Important Words

  1. batteries
  2. battery
  3. build
  4. california
  5. carry
  6. charge
  7. commercial
  8. costs
  9. damage
  10. electric
  11. energy
  12. environmental
  13. fly
  14. geography
  15. giant
  16. great
  17. heavy
  18. high
  19. homes
  20. hour
  21. huge
  22. jet
  23. kilometers
  24. km
  25. lakes
  26. land
  27. limited
  28. lot
  29. metals
  30. mining
  31. people
  32. plane
  33. planes
  34. power
  35. problem
  36. refueling
  37. require
  38. requires
  39. resources
  40. setup
  41. solve
  42. specific
  43. store
  44. takes
  45. talked
  46. typical
  47. upfront